'There is an effort of painting the entire problem as religious one.' 'That Jammu and Kashmir is the way it is because the valley has radicalised.' 'I would be the first person to accept that there is a greater element of radicalism today than it was 25 years ago, but to suggest the entire valley of Kashmir is radicalised and everything you see on the ground is because radical Islam has suddenly taken over is not true.' Omar Abdullah, former J&K chief minister, explains why 'the situation in J&K is very worrisome.'
Presenting words of wisdom from inspiring speeches from personalities across sectors that will lead you to a positive path in 2016.
'The overarching fact of modern social behaviour isn't that we are irresponsible women and men, but that we are never quite sure, when and how to act responsibly.' 'This is the real side of every Twitter outrage, where those who tweet about stories of 'unreported domestic abuse' end up feeling superior to those neighbours who are summoned up as clueless witnesses.' 'This view of the supposed spiritual decay of our times, which is at the core of Gali Guleiyan, is thus more fashionable than perceptive,' says Sreehari Nair.
'The youth is career-oriented these days. Nobody plans to have a family in their 20s, especially the boys. They run away from commitment; they want to make money first. I have been focusing on my career for the last eight years. I came to Mumbai to become an actor and so with a tunnel vision, I did not look left or right during this time. I made good friends but did not focus on a special person. But now, I have understood its value.' Sidharth Malhotra comes clean.
Half-Blood Prince is definitely a film to be watched more than once.
'The Sena's policy is not to attack women. It was just a protest and in a group when people protest, at times, things are bound to go wrong,' says Sri Ram Sena chief Prasad Attavar.
Child psychologist and parent counsellor Rupal Patel discusses single parenthood of a different kind -- when one parent is constantly travelling due to work-related issues.
For those of us who are young and have moved away from our families to work in different cities, the challenges are frequent and many. And looking for a house takes topmost priority.
Being trendy was never this simple!
Raj Kumar Santoshi is back in hard-hitting form with his latest film.
Here's how to make sure the extra work can work for you.
We asked readers to share their money lending experiences with us. Here are two interesting stories from Trushant Mehta from the US and Aditi Bhattacharya from India.
Are you planning to prepay your expensive home loan partly or fully? Do you know what you should keep in mind before doing this? Read this for the answers.
'Alia is brighter than me. I am extremely happy and proud that without her father's help, she has had a successful journey. People didn't think that a girl who was danced to Radha (a hit song in Student Of The Year) could do such serious acting as well.' Mahesh Bhatt, in a candid chat.
In our fast-moving world, it is easy to miss out on what people say. These six tips can help though.
With less than five months to go, it's time you fine tuned your skills and assessed your preparation for the big day.
Depending on the kind of person you are and the situation, break-ups can be traumatic enough to affect your emotional and physical health. Here's how to emerge stronger from it.
Fatherhood has changed Sergio Perez's life since the end of last season and the Mexican hopes the coming year in Formula One could be just as transformative on the track.
'Maharawal Ratan Singh's situation in Padmaavat is very similar to Shahid's situation in Padmaavat, as an actor. I was pitted against very high odds, in a very unlikely situation and I had to somehow come out with flying colours.'
Here's what went down in the curtain raiser episode.
'When I see the final moments of Padmaavat, it reminds me of how strong and powerful and intelligent women are.' 'I feel so powerful and alive as a woman.'
And it's written with tears, blood and unspoken lines.
'You walk out of Mukkabaaz feeling good about yourself, but unlike Kashyap's best pictures, it releases you from the responsibility of seeing yourself in it; the movie is darn clever, most of the way, but it hardly has any wisdom,' says Sreehari Nair.
Meet Mona Patel, one of CNN's Top 10 Heroes of the Year.
Marico Chairman Harsh Mariwala shares his career lessons and success mantras.
Anu Haasan on her Tamil talk show and her illustrious family.
Photographs tell us so much about the person!
'I'm not withdrawing any allegations. I want those CDRs (Peter's call data records).' 'Those are my feelings.'
For many big brands, investment in advertising is as big as the amounts spent in setting up factories and other infrastructure.
Former editor of Femina magazine, Sathya Saran looks back at the Miss India pageant that changed the lives of two young women.
Everthing about Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the sequel to Transformers, is louder and bigger.
'A lot of fraud films are being made in the name of realistic cinema.'
Raja Chari is in training to go to space in 2019. Vaihayasi Pande Daniel presents the story of his journey from Cedar Falls, Iowa, to NASA. A Rediff.com Exclusive!
In an interview with rediff.com's Bikash Mohapatra, Ivanovic talks about her success, those 'disappointing' years in between and her future expectations.
People are no longer sure we are educating leaders who have the requisite competence and character to fulfill the responsibilities that come with their positions of power and privilege, says Harvard Business School dean Nitin Nohria.
'I looked at the smiles around and realised that each day that I smiled was amazing.' 'So I put into play something that I have been toying with for years.' 'I called it the Rich Universe.' 'You often hear people say "I wish I become a superstar and my life gets made".' 'I wondered how it would be if I said if I hug my father, it would be an amazing day, or if I hugged my mother and said how lucky I am.'